Bringing the community together during our fundraisers brings awareness to our cause and allows the mission of our organization to continue and thrive


Upcoming Fundraisers

Keep up to date with all our upcoming fundraisers for 2024 and 2025!

MARCH 16TH, 2024

Egghunt Fundraiser

Celebrate Easter with us at our annual Easter Egg Hunt Fundraiser!
More to come!


Summer Math

Join our summer tutoring program and support the organization at the same time!



We plan on bringing our ideas to corporations and involving them in our mission to expand education.



Make a donation in the season of giving and help make a difference to students around the world.

Our past fundraisers

We host local fundraisers to bring attention to our cause while also benefiting our community. Our fundraisers have provided local tutoring services and brought the community together.

  • Our annual Easter Egg hunt fundraiser is a great way to bring our community together. We bring awareness to our cause while hosting a fun Easter Activity. Take a look at our upcoming fundraisers to find out more information on our next egg hunt!

  • In these summer math camps, local students sign-up for peer tutoring. WOH volunteers help us provide this tutoring while we raise money for our cause.

  • With our corporate fundraiser, we approached multiple organizations with our ideas. We shared the work we are doing and our plans for the future. This fundraiser turned out to be a massive success for our charity!

Why we need your help

Education is one of the most significant predictors of success; it offers an escape from poverty and a path to a better life. In a world as technologically advanced as today’s, providing every child with a basic education should be guaranteed. Yet, according to UNICEF, more than 60 million primary-school-aged children are still out of school. Millions more are getting left behind in school. Underprivileged students lack the same resources as their counterparts, and they are denied the same opportunities. The future of the world is in the hands of these kids. Their education today (or lack of it) will determine humanity’s future. Help us create a world in which all children can get an education. Help us create a world where every child can learn to their full potential. Help us protect the future.