
Our fundraisers give us the opportunity to conduct projects that work toward our vision and expand access to education for all


Our Active Projects

WOH partners with the organization Swapnopuron in the Sundarbans, a rural region of India. This area is extremely impoverished, and children there have very little access to education. Swapnopuron seeks to change that. The organization operates a school with multiple sites in the region. WOH works with Swapnopuron to improve the learning environment for students in the area. We will add a second floor to the main school building, a computer lab, and a science lab. WOH also plans to construct a new groundwater well to provide clean drinking water to students and teachers. In addition, we are working on improving the quality of life for the students by providing things like sweaters and, eventually, a bus service.


Chromebook Donations

The COVID-19 Pandemic helped us realize the importance of having access to digital technology as a student. Many underprivileged students were left behind because they couldn’t learn online like their counterparts. After recognizing this issue, WOH wanted to help bridge the digital divide by providing some inner-city students with Chromebooks. Through the organization By The Hand, we made our donation and helped open up a new world of opportunities for students.

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Many students, especially underprivileged ones, do not receive the help they need in school, which puts them at risk of falling behind. WOH wants to provide a solution to these students. We want to offer tutoring to these students so that no student gets left behind. Locally, our summer math camp is a great resource for students looking to reinforce their math skills and prepare for the upcoming school year. Furthermore, our partnerships with By The Hand and Horizons For Youth allow us to expand our efforts to reach even more students.


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Stanford Middle School

Scholars Program

The Stanford Middle School Scholars Program (SMSSP) provides classes and resources to low-income students, giving them opportunities to seek rigorous higher education. WOH supports SMSSP and wants to provide additional resources for students in the program. We have established 2 funds for students in the program, one to provide the materials necessary to admit more students and one to allow students to participate in field trips and other experiences.


Why we need your help

Education is one of the most significant predictors of success; it offers an escape from poverty and a path to a better life. In a world as technologically advanced as today’s, providing every child with a basic education should be guaranteed. Yet, according to UNICEF, more than 60 million primary-school-aged children are still out of school. Millions more are getting left behind in school. Underprivileged students lack the same resources as their counterparts, and they are denied the same opportunities. The future of the world is in the hands of these kids. Their education today (or lack of it) will determine humanity’s future. Help us create a world in which all children can get an education. Help us create a world where every child can learn to their full potential. Help us protect the future.
