
Expanding Access to Education in the Sundarbans


Break The Cycle of Poverty Through Education

In the heart of India, where every child’s potential is as boundless as their imagination, our efforts with Swapnopuron are to transform dreams into reality. We believe that education is not just a right but the very foundation that can build futures, uplift communities, and ignite the most profound changes in society. Our work will create positive change and development that impact generations to come.

Tigers of Sunbarbans
The tigers of the Sundarbans, a unique mangrove forest spanning parts of India and Bangladesh, are a distinct subspecies known for their exceptional ability to swim. These elusive and critically endangered big cats are integral to the region's ecosystem, adapting to a challenging environment marked by dense forests and tidal waterways.

With Our Hearts, We are Changing Lives

The organization Swapnopuron, started in 2012, is dedicated to expanding access to education for students in one of the most impoverished areas in the world, the Sundarbans. They have constructed multiple schools and are giving students opportunities to break the cycle of poverty. With Our Hearts collaborates with Swapnopuron to provide the resources necessary to achieve their vision. 



Light up a whole community by supporting a child’s education. Together, let’s make the promise of education a vivid reality for every child, because when we invest in their today, we secure our tomorrow.

— With Our Hearts Foundation

Our Story in the

After three years of assisting students in local communities and engaging in numerous fundraising initiatives, the WOH team decided to expand their efforts internationally, targeting marginalized communities around the globe. They chose to support an English medium school, through Swapnopuron, in a remote part of Sundarbans, West Bengal, a region plagued by extreme poverty, child labor, human trafficking, and child sex trafficking. The team firmly believes that education is key to providing a safer and brighter future for the children in this community, where currently, educational infrastructure is minimal, with existing facilities being inadequate and unsafe.

During a visit in October 2023, Nisha Tara and Nimisha, alongside the WOH board President Shatabdi Basu, encountered harsh living and learning conditions, with broken straw hut classrooms, unsafe drinking water, and extreme weather challenges. Despite these adversities, the students displayed a remarkable eagerness to learn, and their parents, despite their own hardships, recognized the value of education. Based on these observations, the WOH team outlined essential investments for the school, including building proper infrastructure, establishing a technology and science lab, providing transportation, securing clean water, offering nutritious meals, and creating a dormitory for high-risk children. This comprehensive approach aims to not only educate but also protect and nurture children towards a brighter future.



Project Timeline

  • The beginning of our partnership with Swapnopuron. Members of the team visited some of their school sites in the Sundarbans. We created plans for how WOH would collaborate with and support Swapnopuron’s mission.

  • The team identified critical necessities that the students were lacking. We donated 700 sweaters to the students to assist them through the harsh winter. Then, we donated Chromebooks, a generator, AC, and other necessities so that the students would have access to an updated, modern-day computer lab.

  • The team is planning two additional visits to review the progress that has been made with the schools and to identify ways we can further enhance the student’s learning environment.

  • Future plans include building out a second floor to the school and constructing a deep groundwater well to ensure access to clean drinking water for the students and staff.
